he City of Alexandria Pipes and Drums, based in Alexandria, Virginia, has been representing the city and entertaining its citizens for almost 50 years.
Combining precision marching with innovative musical arrangements, the band plays a prominent role in parades, festivals and special events throughout the greater Washington, D.C. area.

Tavern Square Performance | Photo: Randy Welch
Patterned after a traditional British military pipe band with over 20 active pipers and 10 drummers, the band is under the musical direction and leadership of Pipe Major John G. Sprague, Drum Major Rich Vargus, and Drum Sergeant Mike Bryan.
The band has also performed at the White House, foreign embassies, a gubernatorial inauguration, the President's Cup golf tournament, rock concerts, university commencement exercises, military ceremonial balls, and many other prestigious events.

St. Patrick's Day Parade | Alexandria VA, 2013
We maintain a year-long schedule of parades, local concerts, and appearances supporting the Office of Historic Alexandria, as well as the city’s first responders.

Drummers help tune the pipers
A hallmark of the City of Alexandria Pipes and Drums is a high standard of dress and drill discipline. Slow and quick march drills are distinctive features of the band's performances, and they are an integral part of practice sessions.
The Pipers wear green tunics and the drummers wear red in their Full Dress uniform, to highlight the historical tradition of pipers being privately employed while drummers were enlisted military. The drummers also play bugles which is unique among civilian United States pipe bands, but has historical ties to the British Royal Marines.

Drumline | Alexandria Scottish Walk 2015
Uniforms and certain instruments (drums, bugles) are provided to members at no charge, with the understanding that loaned band property must be properly cared for and maintained.
We welcome recruits at all levels of experience. Admission as a playing member depends on practice attendance and skills evaluation by the band's instructors. Rehearsal is held each Thursday from 7:45 till 9:30PM at the Durant Center, located at 1605 Cameron Street in Alexandria Virginia. Observers and prospective recruits are invited to attend with the permission of the pipe major.
CAPD is a tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. Main Cover photo ©Ballyshaners, used under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0